Red salmon & food energetics


My boys brought home some beautiful winter king salmon – to my my great excitement because it was a lifting day for me, yay 😀 – and WOW, the ways I could go on about the benefits of this fish. I have to emphasize to my AK friends how blessed we are to have the opportunity to eat this incredible dish so readily.

Red Salmon facts –

* The best muscle building food you can get your hands on, it trumps red meat ANY day.

* That red orange color is Omega 3 fatty acid – this is extremely important for overall but especially BRAIN health. You need Omega 3’s. Period.

* Fish intelligence

Ancient knowledge tells us that we take on the properties, both physical, vibrational and mental, of what we eat. Native Americans prized deer meat because of the stealth, demeanor and intelligence of the animal. Even in todays world where we are so consciously disconnected to our natural hunting and gathering senses, you can still see the subconscious mind working on our behalf to enable us in our daily endeavors.

For example, business men especially, and those in other such ‘cut-throat high pressure’ jobs, tend to be drawn towards eating beef because of the stubbornness/bullheadedness of cattle. Buisness men subconsciously know that they need such energies/qualities to succeed in their careers.

The more we learn about fish, the more we learn just how complex the communication methods are between fish and fish schools. There is still much to learn about these animals, but it is safe to say that they are extremely intelligent, and that when we eat fish we are not just benefiting from the Omega 3’s ( how amazing is nature, right? ), we’re taking on their energetic properties as well.

This is no coincidence, we see this phenomenon in nature consistently. The avocado is so beneficial for healthy uterine function, (it’s actually been recommended that pregnant women consume 2 -3 avocados per day ) and what do they look like? A womb. Right?

Tomatoes have lycopene ( which btw the old saying is that we must cook the tomato to get 5 x the lycopene, but new research shows that we can BLEND the tomato for 5 x the lycopene! YAY for raw foodies! But i digress… ) that is very beneficial for the heart, and what does it look like? A heart. It is said by raw foodies everywhere that tomato is not only good for the physical heart, but the heart energy we carry.

At the end of the day, some people are interested in food energetics, and some aren’t.

For those that are, here is my advice: It’s all about listening to your body. The world of nutritional advice can be so confusing, Right? A good healthy habit to practice – meditation.

Quiet your mind, forget what you’re told you should and shouldn’t eat, and listen to your body. Our minds can be tricked, and our minds can over think anything, but our bodies by design are never wrong!

Happy healthy eating all!