Holistic Chick’s Blog

photo-61Thank you for reading my blog!

I am a wife, mother, and liberty lover indefinitely furthering my education in the natural health field. I am open-minded and remain unbiased in regards to the various nutritional ‘sects’ that abound within the natural health community.

I keep current on political and health related topics and aim to seek God and truth in all things.

I hold firm the belief that it is the fundamental human right of all American citizens to exercise religious and philosophical exemption from a medical procedure with which they do not agree, including vaccines, and I vehemently resist the notions that a strong woman must be a feminist woman and that abortion is a form of healthcare.

Personal responsibility is a theme throughout my writings as I believe it is the only way to achieve anything worthwhile in life.

– Ashley

Here’s whats new!:



18 thoughts on “Holistic Chick’s Blog

    • Ashley, it has been such a long time but I remember your gift for art and find myself referencing it often now that we see an artist budding in our sweet Whitney. She is 9 and paints the most beautiful art. I read the things that you and Zoe are writing for the newspapers and now this blog, you two young women are so inspiring. Keep paving the way, I have a beautiful daughter that deserves a better tomorrow, and you gals give me hope for the future of these young impressionable girls. We have worked hard to keep Whitney pure at heart and a child for as long as possible. Thank you for inspiring people!

      • Hey Simone! Thank you that is so sweet and the means a lot to me. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts:) I can only imagine what a beautiful girl Whitney is, and how neat that she is an artist! She does deserve better, and I have her, my daughter and every young girl out there in my heart now as Im beginning this work. I have to believe that together we can make a difference. Im so glad you like our writing!

  1. Ashley, This is beautifully written! Your love for Austin, and for Nevaeh, shine through and are such compelling reasons for your journey toward natural health and healing. There is so much wisdom in the natural world…and there is so much to re-learn from what the media, physicians and even our parents (unknowingly) taught us. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Cyndi

  2. Love this post : )

    Theses are great rules for living by…
    – be the change you want to happen
    – be positive
    – be kind

    And, I’d do well to remember a fundamental truth you merion here: “You have only one body, only one place here for your soul to reside”

    thank you for sharing 🙂

  3. So happy to have stumbled across your blog & look forward to reading more of what you do & share on here!
    P.S. Not sure if you’re aware of the typo in your blog title? Sorry, I’m a grammar nazi 😉

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