Looking to get fitter, leaner, happier? + Holistic Chick goes on vacation

Hey there guys and gals! How in the world are you?

Well, I hope.

As for me, I’ve changed my name and my game! Holistic Chick, well, she took a vacation…and she never came back.

She was stressed, ya know? That girl wanted to fix the world, but the world didn’t want to be fixed!


So Holistic Chick is relaxing on a beach somewhere in my heart nursing a GMO-free, certified organic Pina Colada while I have been at work revamping my entire bizz!

These days you can find me online as Ashley Lynn, Health coach. I’ve been as busy as a bumble bee with motherhood, of course, and in addition I’ve recently begun working with clients again! I’m running monthly boot camps and online accountability groups. It’s been incredible, to say the very least.

I’m doing what I LOVE; motherhood AND coaching! I feel so blessed beyond expression.

blackwater bend

I have a new WordPress website that I will be updating frequently, and I planned on deleting this site after directing you over there…but I find that I can’t.

As insignificant as this blog may be in the wide, wide scheme of things, all 69 of you who followed and read what I had to say meant something to me.

So I can’t bring myself to delete this account. Like ever. I appreciate every one of you like-minds.

If you are interested in coming along with me in this new direction, still with a passion for truth and organic life, PLEASE DO! 

spotty bananas

While coaching incredible women and mothering three incredible children I have discovered uncharted strength within me, and I want to help other women tap into their inner strength as well.

If you are looking to get fitter, stronger, healthier, happier – please hop over to my new page and follow! I will be answering life’s questions over there plus posting weekly inspirational and game-changing informative content! 🙂



I update Facebook and Instagram DAILY


Thank you all for your support through the years – I love you all and hope to stay in contact. ❤

Here’s your reason to eat BACON


Early Childhood Carries ( ECC, more commonly known as BOTTLE ROT )

I’ve personally been down this road with my daughter, even when caring for her teeth with a dentist recommended fluoride toothpaste regimen, so I can personally understand the inexplicable pain and fear ECC parents are going through.

My daughter was THE healthiest kid on the block, never had she tasted apple juice, never had she tasted white bread or any sort of junk food. She grew up on quinoa and dandelion greens in a bottle for goodness sake!

So imagine my despair as I helplessly watched her four front teeth disintegrate before my eyes each day.

Well, today I can tell you that the decay on her teeth has been 100% arrested for the past two years! They are HEALED, no fluoride or dental interventions, although I do take her in for a yearly evaluation with a fantastic dentist.


^ Homemade chocolate milk, made from soaked cashews ^


* Our standard American diet couldn’t be set up more perfectly to destroy our teeth, only in part due to the copious amounts of sugar people consume.

* Today even health conscious individuals consume large amounts of dietary toxins in the form of phytic acid. On the other hand, most people consume very little essential fat soluble vitamins, such as A and D, which are essential for healthy teeth.

* Phytic acid, along with enzyme inhibitors, are found in grains, seeds, nuts and legumes. It is an anti-nutrient that binds with minerals and nutrients in the intestines, leading to serious deficiencies that affect the teeth.

* Diets high in phytic acid and low in fat soluble vitamins lead to weakened and vulnerable tooth enamel, resulting in cavities and the epidemic of EEC we are now seeing in very young children.



Your family can still enjoy all the tasty grains, nuts, seeds and legumes that you like! It’s all in the preparation.

Soaking these foods is a crucial step in their preparation as it breaks down phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, and even increases the Vitamin B content ( hello increased energy ), specifically in nuts.

Soaking is not time-consuming, you just have to remember to do it. I soak my goods for a minimum of 4 hours, although 12 hours is best.

I have never been ardently vegan for moral reasons, although I have dabbled in it and fully support families who choose it for themselves. I think it’s a great option.

However, if you are experiencing frequent cavities, tooth sensitivities or your child is experiencing EEC, it could be time to consider adding some consciously chosen animal products into your family’s weekly diet to up your intake of fat soluble vitamins.

Some examples are pasture butter, liver and other organ meats, bacon, eggs, fermented cod liver oil, cream, shellfish, fish eggs, and fish. Very cautiously chosen raw milk from a responsible and organic farmer is an excellent option as well.

I know there is a lot to discuss on the topic of EEC, so if you have any questions or concerns please comment and I will get back to you within the day.

Know that you are NOT alone, and there is hope beyond scary interventions.


Heal psoriasis quickly

I lived with psoriasis for YEARS not knowing how bad it would get as time went on. What a scary feeling!

I now live totally in control of this disease! If life circumstances do bring about a flare up, I know exactly what to do to clear it up and be symptom free once again. Yay!

My heart aches for people living in the dark with this disease; I know how embarrassing it can be.

Follow these 7 steps/tips to living symptom free SOON! You can heal faster than you think.

5 reasons to SMILE at a stranger


Too many of us smile too little.

We are TOO busy, TOO distracted, and TOO ungrounded; we too often forget the significance of a smile in our own lives, let alone impact it can have in someone else’s day.

Don’t forget these 5  reasons to SMILE at a stranger:

#1 ~ Smiling makes you healthier by boosting your immune system, lowering your blood pressure, and releasing endorphins in your body that make you feel happier!

#2 ~ Smiling makes everybody look good. Lets make this world a more attractive place!

#3 ~ Our kids are watching.  What example do you want to set for your kids? Personally I want my kids to witness me being that friendly-to-the-extreme person waiting in line at the grocery store, rather than the person who is reluctant to return a smile or a hello.  I have to remind myself to be really friendly ALL the time. Some days it comes easy, others it just doesn’t. That’s OK.

#4 ~ Smiling is contagious. Most folks that receive a smile from you actually do smile back – many times people are deep in thought or just unaccustomed to being smiled at by a stranger, so when you think you’ve been snubbed, it’s not likely the case! Spread the love to everyone you see! It will come back to you in full circle.

#5 ~ A smile can change, or even save, a life. Haven’t you ever experienced a kind word or smile from a stranger { an angel some people say } that completely lifted your spirits just when you needed it the most? Imagine what a smile can mean to someone who is feeling completely alone and hopeless. We can’t do as much for people in need as we’d like to much of the time, but we can be that smiling angel in someones day.

You just never know how your smile can change the world for one person.

❤ ❤ ❤


3 steps to healing autism symptoms {our story}

Hey ladies!

Our story with the symptoms known as ‘autism’ is very dear to my heart, but one I don’t talk about much. I tend to want to dwell in the present positive happenings in our life now, but what I learned in the past is something I do need to share with other moms.

There are many, many other testimonies of determined and stubborn moms turning various autism spectrum disorders around, however there is still not ENOUGH information available on these stories.

I want to spread the word and share with you that autism is not random, nor simply genetic, and it IS NOT a mystery as the western medical establishment would have you believe.

How I lose baby weight fast

Hey guys, I’d like to share with you some of how I shed baby weight fast. I’ve had three great pregnancies, during which I gained varying amounts of weight.

Knowing the amount of misinformation there is surrounding health, weight loss and just maintaining healthy body weight in general, it comes as no surprise to me that most women struggle so hard to feel good again after Baby comes.

As a coach it certainly hurts my heart to watch women work so hard and feel so much frustration, just to get tired and give up on their health.

Mom, you CAN feel great in your own skin again! The healthier and happier you are, the more of yourself you can give to your family and community.

You deserve it! Heck, the WORLD deserves you!

I don’t apologize for being great.

I’m “that mom”. You know, the one who is obsessively perfectionistic about her kids.

They don’t eat junk food – heck, don’t come anywhere near them with GMOs – they’re home schooled, and they don’t watch TV, save the occasional pre approved Netflix shows.

The real cherry on top is their questioning of the dietary habits of adults around us, “Does that ( diet Pepsi ) have sugar? Mommy says that’s not good.”


They, whoever they may be in this particular context, have a name for moms like me, the one accompanied by that obligatory eye roll: Crunchy Mom.

I really can’t stand that name.

Anyways, there was a time, I’ll admit, where I tried to blend in with my fellow American mom. Now I just own it.

I own my natural inclinations, my unique scope of the world, my devotion to seeking God and truth in the mundane and in the exciting; I truly love being extraordinary.

Full Definition of EXTRAORDINARY

a : going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary <extraordinary powers>
b : exceptional to a very marked extent <extraordinary beauty>


“OK,” you’re now thinking. “Ashley is full of Ashley.”

If admitting to being more than ordinary is conceit, I’ll own that too.

I contemplate often the real meaning of what it is to be extraordinary, vs ordinary. After all, how do we define ordinary?

: normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special

: neither very good nor very bad : not very impressive
Full Definition of ORDINARY

: of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events : routine, usual <an ordinary day>
: having or constituting immediate or original jurisdiction; also : belonging to such jurisdiction
a : of common quality, rank, or ability <an ordinary teenager>

What I have learned to possess in the past years’ journey to becoming a woman is the understanding that ordinary is, despite the definition, actually a simple facade; an illusion of conformity we create anew generation after generation to ensure that the existing forms of hierarchy persist.

I don’t imagine it takes much more than a basic understanding of human psychology to run the world. It is said that there are 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations and 2,400 publishers all owned by 6 corporations and 272 executives. 

It doesn’t take a mastermind of discernment to figure out that a very few create normal, and a great many enforce normal.


What am I getting at?

I am thrilled about being liberated from my cage of normalcy, and it’s OK for my children to know they ARE different from everyone else!

I struggle with a lot of things on a day-to-day basis, and despite what I may try to convey through social media, my life is no glamorous health show.


But so many times people say to me, in regards to health for example, “I don’t want your kids to feel left out,” or, “I wish your kids could eat what everyone else is eating.”

By all means, LEAVE them out! I so badly WANT them to know they aren’t normal.

I want them to know that there aren’t any ‘normal’ people, only caged people waiting for their chance to escape and release the greatness trapped within.

We each have a unique light and mission within us that we are sent here to share. The question is, will you wait for others to grant you permission to share it?


By waiting you chance cheating the world of your irreplaceable contribution.

None of us is purposeless or without greatness. You are a divine creation of the Father; walk with him, that which strengthens you, and do not wait for worldly acceptance to do your work here.


Flat belly for health

Hey Mamas! So many women, particularly us moms, suffer from chronic fatigue and brain fog throughout the day. If your energy and spirits are not up to parr, the first thing to address is digestion!

Believe it or not, there is a big correlation between a flat belly ( which is an indication of good digestion ) and your energy levels and mental clarity.

I am having so much fun with YouTube, and I’m so appreciative of all your feedback.

I hope this is helpful to you!


10 vaccine questions that fuel conspiracy fires

Holistic Chick's Blog


The following are just 10 questions fueling conspiracy fires that will never be covered/asked by mainstream media ( specific emphasis on mercury):

#1) Why do vaccines depend on herd immunity, a mythological phenomenon wherein one persons immunity determines another persons immunity, to be effective?

#2) If herd immunity is indeed essential in disease control, why are our smallest and most vulnerable citizens ALONE burdened with the current vaccine schedule? Vaccines, if effective at all, induce immunity that lasts no longer than 5 – 10 years.


Non-vaccinating parents are told they are putting others at risk by not subjecting their children to inoculations, however children under 15 make up only 20% of the American population. Any questions?

#3) Why has the CDC and the AAP more than doubled the recommended vaccine schedule since 1983 if vaccines are indeed to thank for the decline and/or eradication of infectious disease?

#4) Why is mercury still present as a…

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